I havent posted anything on this blog for more than 5 months. I cant believe it, i said on my first blog post that dont know if this blog is going to actually work...opps. Recently ive been getting stressed and overwhelmed with school, exams and just everything really. Im in year 11 now so im taking my final exams in May and im really worried about them, although I only have myself to blame because I dont do anything about it or anything to help me be less worried (im not overly good at revising in good time). Anyway, I thought I might just blog about me today, and just little things about me.
1. Im 15 years old and live with my mum.
2. My mum and dad split up when I was 9, im okay with it though as they are both happier now.
3. I always have fallouts with my friends, I dont have one friend that I havent fallen out with at one time or another. Sometimes its over stupid little things and sometimes its over things that I think matter (you might think they are little things, im not sure).
4. I watch a lot of tv shows and films. I think because they distract me from my own life, im not saying my lifes bad or anything because its not, I like my life, obviously theres going to be things which you wish were different but thats for everyone right?
5. I thought I had anxiety a few months ago, well I still do really, ive taken some of those online test things and they have all said pretty much the same thing. But then I think it may be part of being a teenager and having exams, I mean of course im going to worry about them! So I put myself off thinking about anxiety. Im still not sure though, but I dont think I do.
Reading that last one back makes no sense... I understand what I mean even if none of you do. I hope all of you reading this (if anyone is reading this) are well and happy and are enjoying life. If you're not then try and change things that are making you feel down and upset, try and change those negatives into positives. I know its easier said than done. This is quite a deep post so im sorry if you dont like that, but if you do then comment so i know, feel free to ask me any questions and I will try my best to respond to all of them. Happy new year.
Ditsy Eyed x